Grand Opening

31 December, 2024 • 20:00 (UTC )

Server and Site TimeZone - GMT +4
Buff Duration - 2 Hours
Maximum Buffs Slots - 25
Maximum Debuffs Slots - 5
Maximum Cancel Removes Buffs - 2 Random Buff
Olympiads Max Enchant - Unlimited
Gameguard System - Yes
Geodata and Pathnodes - Yes
Sub-Class Quest - Without Quest
Maximum Sub-Class - 5
Noblesse Quest - Yes
Shop Manager - Yes
Donate Manager - Yes
Buff Manager - Yes
Sub Manager - Yes
Class Manager - Yes
Wedding Manager - Yes
Offline Shop - Yes
Craft System - Yes
Auto Learn Skills - Yes
Auto Learn Loot - Yes
Auto Learn Raid & Grand Boss Loot - No
Champions System - Disabled
Wedding System - Yes
TvT Event System - Disabled
Dual Boxing System - Maximum Clients Per IP 3


Experience (EXP) - x500
Skill Points (SP) - x500
RatePartyXp = x2
RatePartySp = x2
Adena - x500
Drop Items - x1
Noblesse Quest Drop - x30
Quest Experience (EXP) - x1
Quest Skill Points (SP) - x1
Quest Adena - x1
Quest Items Drop - x1
Weight Limit - x999
Extract Fish - x50
KarmaDropLimit - 10%
KarmaRateDrop - 40%
KarmaRateDropItem - 50%
KarmaRateDropEquip - 40%
KarmaRateDropEquipWeapon - 10%


Safe Enchant - 3
Max Enchant - Unlimited
Normal Scroll chance - 55%
Blessed Scroll chance 60%

Raid Boss Changes

Drop List

Event Coin 20 = 100%

Raid Boss List

Flame of Splendor Barakiel - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Ketra's Chief Brakki - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Varka's Chief Horus - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Ember - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Ketra's Commander Tayr - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Varka's Commander Mos - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Ketra's Hero Hekaton - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Varka's Hero Shadith - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Longhorn Golkonda - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Cherub Galaxia - Respawn Time 6 Hours

Increased stats

Tattoo of Fighter = 3% pAtk/pAtkSpd
Tattoo of Mystic = 3% mAtk/mAtkSpd
Tattoo of Defence = 3% pDef/mDef
Circlet of Innadrill = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Circlet of Dion = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Circlet of Oren = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Circlet of Gludio = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Circlet of Giran = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Circlet of Aden = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Circlet of Goddard = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Crown of Lord = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Wings of Destiny Circlet = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd


Farm System: Retail

Raid Boss - Raid Bosses have drop and modified status. The drop and strength of Raid Bosses will vary depending on your level. The Drops may include: Event Coin.

Grand Boss: All Grand Bosses have Retail drops and status.

All configurations and features that were not reported here are Retail, ie equal to the official Lineage II or were considered irrelevant.
0 Players Online
1º   Madness 5 Level
2º   AbsuluteTeam 5 Level
3º   PANDA 5 Level
4º   CuliCagaos 5 Level
5º   PLAYBOY 5 Level
1º   progamer 4 PvP
2º   WhiteAngel 3 PvP
3º   333DD 2 PvP
4º   Assassin 1 PvP
5º   Khalifa 1 PvP
1º   Test 4 Pk
2º   Crazy 2 Pk
3º   WhiteAngel 1 Pk
4º   Assassin 1 Pk
5º   Khalifa 1 Pk
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