Grand Opening
31 December, 2024 • 20:00 (UTC )
Server and Site TimeZone - GMT +4
Buff Duration - 2 Hours
Maximum Buffs Slots - 25
Maximum Debuffs Slots - 5
Maximum Cancel Removes Buffs - 2 Random Buff
Olympiads Max Enchant - Unlimited
Gameguard System - Yes
Geodata and Pathnodes - Yes
Sub-Class Quest - Without Quest
Maximum Sub-Class - 5
Noblesse Quest - Yes
Shop Manager - Yes
Donate Manager - Yes
Buff Manager - Yes
Sub Manager - Yes
Class Manager - Yes
Wedding Manager - Yes
Offline Shop - Yes
Craft System - Yes
Auto Learn Skills - Yes
Auto Learn Loot - Yes
Auto Learn Raid & Grand Boss Loot - No
Champions System - Disabled
Wedding System - Yes
TvT Event System - Disabled
Dual Boxing System - Maximum Clients Per IP 3
Skill Points (SP) - x500
RatePartyXp = x2
RatePartySp = x2
Adena - x500
Drop Items - x1
Noblesse Quest Drop - x30
Quest Experience (EXP) - x1
Quest Skill Points (SP) - x1
Quest Adena - x1
Quest Items Drop - x1
Weight Limit - x999
Extract Fish - x50
KarmaDropLimit - 10%
KarmaRateDrop - 40%
KarmaRateDropItem - 50%
KarmaRateDropEquip - 40%
KarmaRateDropEquipWeapon - 10%
Max Enchant - Unlimited
Normal Scroll chance - 55%
Blessed Scroll chance 60%
Ketra's Chief Brakki - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Varka's Chief Horus - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Ember - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Ketra's Commander Tayr - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Varka's Commander Mos - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Ketra's Hero Hekaton - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Varka's Hero Shadith - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Longhorn Golkonda - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Cherub Galaxia - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Tattoo of Mystic = 3% mAtk/mAtkSpd
Tattoo of Defence = 3% pDef/mDef
Circlet of Innadrill = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Circlet of Dion = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Circlet of Oren = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Circlet of Gludio = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Circlet of Giran = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Circlet of Aden = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Circlet of Goddard = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Crown of Lord = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Wings of Destiny Circlet = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Raid Boss - Raid Bosses have drop and modified status. The drop and strength of Raid Bosses will vary depending on your level. The Drops may include: Event Coin.
Grand Boss: All Grand Bosses have Retail drops and status.
All configurations and features that were not reported here are Retail, ie equal to the official Lineage II or were considered irrelevant.
Buff Duration - 2 Hours
Maximum Buffs Slots - 25
Maximum Debuffs Slots - 5
Maximum Cancel Removes Buffs - 2 Random Buff
Olympiads Max Enchant - Unlimited
Gameguard System - Yes
Geodata and Pathnodes - Yes
Sub-Class Quest - Without Quest
Maximum Sub-Class - 5
Noblesse Quest - Yes
Shop Manager - Yes
Donate Manager - Yes
Buff Manager - Yes
Sub Manager - Yes
Class Manager - Yes
Wedding Manager - Yes
Offline Shop - Yes
Craft System - Yes
Auto Learn Skills - Yes
Auto Learn Loot - Yes
Auto Learn Raid & Grand Boss Loot - No
Champions System - Disabled
Wedding System - Yes
TvT Event System - Disabled
Dual Boxing System - Maximum Clients Per IP 3
Experience (EXP) - x500Skill Points (SP) - x500
RatePartyXp = x2
RatePartySp = x2
Adena - x500
Drop Items - x1
Noblesse Quest Drop - x30
Quest Experience (EXP) - x1
Quest Skill Points (SP) - x1
Quest Adena - x1
Quest Items Drop - x1
Weight Limit - x999
Extract Fish - x50
KarmaDropLimit - 10%
KarmaRateDrop - 40%
KarmaRateDropItem - 50%
KarmaRateDropEquip - 40%
KarmaRateDropEquipWeapon - 10%
Safe Enchant - 3Max Enchant - Unlimited
Normal Scroll chance - 55%
Blessed Scroll chance 60%
Raid Boss Changes
Drop List
Event Coin 20 = 100%Raid Boss List
Flame of Splendor Barakiel - Respawn Time 6 HoursKetra's Chief Brakki - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Varka's Chief Horus - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Ember - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Ketra's Commander Tayr - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Varka's Commander Mos - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Ketra's Hero Hekaton - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Varka's Hero Shadith - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Longhorn Golkonda - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Cherub Galaxia - Respawn Time 6 Hours
Increased stats
Tattoo of Fighter = 3% pAtk/pAtkSpdTattoo of Mystic = 3% mAtk/mAtkSpd
Tattoo of Defence = 3% pDef/mDef
Circlet of Innadrill = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Circlet of Dion = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Circlet of Oren = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Circlet of Gludio = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Circlet of Giran = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Circlet of Aden = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Circlet of Goddard = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Crown of Lord = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Wings of Destiny Circlet = 2% pAtkSpd/mAtkSpd
Farm System: RetailRaid Boss - Raid Bosses have drop and modified status. The drop and strength of Raid Bosses will vary depending on your level. The Drops may include: Event Coin.
Grand Boss: All Grand Bosses have Retail drops and status.
All configurations and features that were not reported here are Retail, ie equal to the official Lineage II or were considered irrelevant.
0 Players Online
1º Madness 5 Level
2º AbsuluteTeam 5 Level
3º PANDA 5 Level
4º CuliCagaos 5 Level
5º PLAYBOY 5 Level
1º progamer 4 PvP
2º WhiteAngel 3 PvP
3º 333DD 2 PvP
4º Assassin 1 PvP
5º Khalifa 1 PvP
1º Test 4 Pk
2º Crazy 2 Pk
3º WhiteAngel 1 Pk
4º Assassin 1 Pk
5º Khalifa 1 Pk